As you already know, social media can be a very useful tool to every business, and if utilized correctly it can be the key to your business success.
It is essential that you assign a social media manager who is capable of making mission critical decisions centred around utilizing your presence on social media. But what is social media management?
What is Social Media Management?
Simply put, social media management is the process of deciding on, writing up, and implementing a complete social media strategy. You probably already use social media to your advantage in one way or another, but real social media management involves more than just replying to tweets and comments.
It can seem like a waste of time employing a social media manager – how hard is it to post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn now and again?
Well, there is a lot more to it than that. We have outlined four of the key reasons a social media manager is essential to any business wanting to be effective on their socials.
1. Post Consistency
Our daily tasks are time consuming – this can lead the ‘smaller’ tasks to be forgotten about; we get it, it’s understandable, we have to prioritize our tasks, and social media accounts tend to be the ones that are neglected the most. The attitude of ‘Facebook can wait until tomorrow’ is apparent, and then tomorrow turns into next week and then the following month, and before too long you must come to the realization that you no longer even have a presence on social media.
This is where social media management comes in. It is essential that your clients are getting fresh content on a regular basis, ensuring your company remains at the forefront in the memory and making them more likely to use your services.
It is also important for any new prospective client, because they must see that you are active regularly and that the information they are reading, seeing, and hearing is educational, informative, interesting, and recent. For any prospect to even consider using your services you must display your knowledge, understanding, and the value that your organization can offer them.
Your social media manager will be able to dedicate all of their time to your social accounts, and they will be able to guarantee that you post regularly, keeping you relevant and present in the market. Posts won’t just be regular but scheduled methodically, so regardless of how busy they are one day, posts can already be scheduled and manage themselves to a degree.
2. Customer Engagement
Another one of those things that just might not seem as high priority as other daily tasks is monitoring customer engagement – it is crucial to the success of your accounts. Missing messages from your clients will leave them feeling ignored by your company.
Monitoring your accounts will be your social media manager’s top priority. They can allocate time to monitor your accounts and not just learn what is going on but also communicate directly with your customers. By proactively monitoring client posts and comments you and your team can devise strategies based on what they are looking for.
3. Content Research
Finding relevant articles and information to post on your company page isn’t easy. You must find interesting content that is both relevant and engaging for your clientele, whilst simultaneously staying away from subjects that may be controversial or land your organization in the firing line.
Research comes in many different forms, and keeping a watchful eye on your competitor’s social media presence will also be a job for the social media manager. Staying ahead of them is essential if you want to stand out – this will be done by utilizing the necessary tools to monitor keywords and search through resources to find the best and most engaging content for your target audience.
4. Post Analysis
Of course, at the most basic level, you could look at the likes and engagement on your posts to see how they are doing, but there is so much more possible with the right post analysis. You must utilize reporting tools and do full analysis of what posts achieved the highest engagement figures, the demographics of the post engagement, what days and times are the best to post to certain demographics to get the most engagement, and the amount of clicks on your post links – not using the right tool means you are trying to achieve maximum engagement with one arm tied behind your back.
Analysing posts monthly can make a major impact on your strategy – this is a good thing; you must be very fluid with your strategy and make updates accordingly based on what is and isn’t working. The more reports you take then the more refined your target audience will be, meaning the better your strategy can be.
A social media manager can use a multitude of tools to better survey your posts. They will be the one that builds a detailed report and keeps track of the success of your posts on a month-to-month basis. As we’ve said already, it is integral that you adapt to the change in trend – keep moving forward every month. Doing the above will allow you to be certain that your presence on social media is catered to what your customers want to see.
In the following article we will explore what can go wrong if you try and manage your socials without the help of a social media manager.
Social media management and your organization
We don’t just build websites — we develop innovative concepts and experiences for our clients. We can assist you in creating and managing a successful social media strategy. Contact our team today to see how we can help you.