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Making Content Relevant and Engaging for Your Audience FT

Making Content Relevant and Engaging for Your Audience

Making Content Relevant and Engaging for Your Audience FT

One of the problems with organizations in the modern world is a lack of knowledge regarding content. Most think that getting as much information as possible out to their client base is the best way of doing things – and to a point they would be correct, because you don’t want to leave your client base waiting for months between content.

But you also don’t want to throw content at the public that isn’t catered to your desired audience – let’s say, for example, your target market is tech illiterate and they work in customer service directly with the public: it’s no good releasing content regarding the latest Microsoft update that will, first, be of no interest to them, secondly, make no sense to them due to their illiteracy with tech, and, most importantly, will not lead to them coming back to your site or getting in contact with you.

Neither do you want to bombard them with lots of information too quickly – regular drip-feeding of new and relevant facts is much preferred by most people.

First, you must know who your audience are, and if you don’t have one – create one.

Your audience

You must build a strong, local, relevant audience for your service. You can do this by focusing on both quality and quantity. You need to ask yourself some questions – Who are my current customers”, What’s their size / industry / location?” “Who are my perfect fit candidates – who would I really love as a dream client?” “What is the size of the market I’m hoping to target?” And, “Who is my realistic target audience?” Yes, there is a lot to think about, but all are essential answers if you want to succeed.

Building an audience that is right for your organization, and your goals, ensures that any marketing reaches target prospective customers that are relevant to you, but you must ensure that you are relevant to them too. “How do I do that?”, I hear you say.

Form groups of audiences around something relevant – such as geographical location or industry vertical. Doing this will allow you to deliver focused unique campaigns into each of those audience groups without narrowing your horizons.

You must treat each of the audience groups as individuals, as they all have their own unique challenges. However, remember that, in a marketing sense, you must try to be relevant to them, both on an individual level and also whilst still being general enough to appeal to the broad demographic of that audience group. Remember, these are likely not technically driven challenges but are commercial or operational challenges that you must address through technology. This wraps back around to why we build the groups around like-minded personas such as industry verticals as their challenges surrounding the following are likely to be similar:


Compliance – What is their regulatory burden?

Applications – Which apps do they use? What are the common challenges or pitfalls with them?

Priorities – What business priorities do they have?

Security – What unique security implications must they consider?

Workflow – What are their working practices?

Manpower – What job functions do they have? What do their staff do day-to-day?

You see, it is essential that you know your audience well before even thinking about the content that you want to offer them. The better you know them then the better you will be able to cater your message to resonate with them, their emotions and their needs going forward.



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